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    1. The Junior Committee aims at promoting ideas and goals of the Society and organizes junior members, which makes a pivotal role for education and collaboration of young cardiac and vascular surgeons in Europe.
    1. The Junior Committee is to develop and grow in attracting more young members to be actively involved in the activities of the Society.
    1. To have six Junior Committee members (3 cardiac and 3 vascular) approved by ESCVS Executive Committee of which one is chairman who communicates with ESCVS President, Secretary General and Executive Committee on regular basis and during EC Meetings.
    1. To have a current list of representatives in the extended body of the Junior Committee – Junior Assembly. These representatives should promote ideas, program, and goals of the Society and JC among their local organizations.
    1. To enhance and facilitate fellowships and exchange programs of young cardiac and vascular surgeons within programs offered through ESCVS exchange platform.
    1. To define a program for the Resident Forum session at ESCVS Annual Congress.
    1. To propose one vascular and cardiac JC Member as a moderator of Young Cardiac and Vascular Award Session at ESCVS Annual Congress.
    1. To help with organization of ESCVS Summer and Winter schools as active collaborates in promotion, selection of applicants that will receive a ESCVS grant, and other organizational activities.

    Furthermore, the Junior Committee offers support to national groups of colleagues who seek to improve local standards for cardiovasculary and endovasculary surgery.

    To organize junior members in a more active way, and increase the number of junior members. A. To have a basic, current list og junior members, and follow results in the future. To prepare a short letter of invitation describing revitalization of the old concept of JC, signed with the president of the Society, General Secretary, and Chair of JC. Referents for thid goal are Piotr Suwalski from cardiac and Karel Houdek from vascular part. B. To discuss about age border for being member of the JC. There were two suggestions, below 35, and bellow 40. C. To have representatives of each country in the extended body of the JC (Junior Assembly – that can be formed in the future when number of junior members hopefully increase). These representatives should promote Society among local young surgeons; promote ideas, program, and goals of Society and JC. They should be not being part JC, but part of Junior Assembly, another body of Society that should be formed in the moment when enough members are available.

    To organize fellowships in open and endovascular surgery, and in some specific topics of cardiac surgery. Members of the EC and active members of Society who are leading surgeons in their hospitals should provide fellowship or junior members of Society. These fellowships should be focused on specific area of cardiac and vascular surgery, with length of one week or one month, and hosts should provide the optimal costs of accommodation and foof for participants (if possible free of charge).

    To define a program for the Resident Forum session. Referents for this goal are Igor Koncar from vascular, and Ruslan Lazarev from cardiac side. Two more sessions are traditionally organized. It is Young cardiac and Young vascular surgeons prize session. These two sessions should be scientific, made to promote scientific work of Junior members, and to stimulate junior members to work, and participate in this session. Rules of this competition should be improved, to provide peer review for these manuscripts and consider them for publication in extension in the official Journal of the Society. According to previously sent abstract (deadline 01.02), EC should accept 8 abstracts (others should be considered for regular program presentation). Authors of 8 accepted abstracts should send in extenso version until 01.03. This version of manuscript should be peer reviewed and assess (from 1-100) by three independent reviewers (one from official Journal, one from EC and one from JC, or two from EC with no JC members) and to be considered for publication in extenso version in the official Journal. Best four authors should get some reward. Winner should be defined after the session by usual traditional process. Winner should get 1000 Euros, while winner and other three authors should get free fellowship, or free registration and accommodation in one of the European meetings directed by members of EC or active members of Society (invited lectures, ex presidents etc).

    To organize workshops – JC should help EC to organize workshops during annual meeting, but also during the year, named “training-courses” or “hands-on session”.

    Webste improvement – there should be significant amount of educational material on the website of Society in order to deliver updated knowledge to members. Lectures, articles, dedicated pages, forum etc. Referents for these activity are Mirko Menegolo from vascular part and from cardiac part.

    To initiate collaboration with other societies, and to provide better conditions for Junior members to participate in other events during the year. Members of the EC are directors of different important and very good international meetings around Europe. Free registration for 3-5 junior members could be significant help to participate in these meetings, and a good quality for membership. Collaboration with different national societies and parts of these societies dedicated to young surgeons. It is of utmost importance that members of EC support this activity.

    To initiate creation of the official opinion about national educational curriculums and initiate creation of the Guidelines for the educational curriculum that should be published under the flag of Society.

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