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    Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2020 June;27(2)

    REVIEW   Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2020 June;27(2):93-7 Cervical artery dissection: presentation and treatment Rodolfo PINI *, Gianluca FAGGIOLI, Cecilia FENELLI, Andrea VACIRCA, Enrico GALLITTO, Chiara MASCOLI, Mohammad ABUALHIN, Mauro GARGIULO Abstract HTML PDF LETTERS TO THE EDITOR   Italian Journal…

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    The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2020 May 19

    DOI: 10.23736/S0021-9509.20.11306-5 Copyright © 2020 EDIZIONI MINERVA MEDICA language: English Early dual antiplatelet therapy versus aspirin monotherapy after coronary artery bypass surgery: survival and safety outcomes João N. ROCHA-GOMES 1, Francisca A. SARAIVA 1, Rui J. CERQUEIRA 1, 2, Raquel MOREIRA 1, Ana F. FERREIRA 1,…

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    The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2020 April;61(2)

     EDITORIAL URGENT CAROTID ENDARTERECTOMY.  FREE. The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2020 April;61(2):131-2 Timing of urgent carotid endarterectomy for stroke: how to optimize outcomes for patients R. Clement DARLING III *  REVIEW URGENT CAROTID ENDARTERECTOMY.  FREE. The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery…

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    The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2020 Apr 01

      .   . The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2020 Apr 01 Prevalence, risk factors and clinical impact of intraprosthetic thrombus deposits after EVAR Claudio BIANCHINI MASSONI *, Alessandro UCCI, Paolo PERINI, Matteo AZZARONE, Erica MARIANI, Alberto BRAMUCCI, Rita M. D’OSPINA,…

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    The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2020 February;61(1)

    EDITORIAL FEVAR FOR JUXTARENAL RECONSTRUCTION. . The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2020 February;61(1):1 FEVAR: is still the preferred therapeutic option for juxtarenal aortic aneurysms? Konstantinos P. DONAS *, Stefano FAZZINI, Martin AUSTERMANN, Mauro GARGIULO, Enrico GALLITTO, Giovanni TORSELLO ORIGINAL ARTICLE…

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    New journal issues at Edizioni Minerva Medica

     EDITORIAL SFA MANAGEMENT.   . The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2019 October;60(5):543-5 Treatment algorithm for long segment femoropopliteal disease Marc BOSIERS *  REVIEW SFA MANAGEMENT.  FREE. The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2019 October;60(5):546-56 Angioplasty or bare metal stent versus drug-eluting endovascular…

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    TAXINOMISIS – Newsletter September 2019

    TAXINOMISIS is a European Commission funded research project which aims to develop a new approach for the stratification of carotid artery disease patients. TAXINOMISIS takes bold step beyond the state of the art unwinding the pathobiology underlying symptomatic plaques, discriminating…

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