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    Prof. Dr. Oliver-Joannis Liakopoulos, FAHA


    Herzchirurgie, herzchirurgische Intensivmedizin und Thoraxchirurgie Leiter Klinisches Studienzentrum Schwerpunkte: Minimalinvasive Klappenchirurgie, Komplett arterielle Bypasschirurgie, Aortenchirurgie, Kombinationseingriffe, Rhythmuschirurgie Publikationen (PubMed)  Telefon:…

    Paolo Magagna

    Department of Cardiac Surgery Via Bonifacio 40 Santa Maria Di Camisano Vicenza 36043 Italy 39 44 475- 2767

    Massimo Mariani

    Prof. dr. M. (Massimo) Mariani Head of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Faculty of Medical Sciences Telephone: +31 50 361 3238 Secretary: +31…

    Babürhan Özbek

    Associate Professor SBÜ Kartal Koşuyolu Yüksek İhtisas Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Istanbul, Turkey

    Vito Giovanni Ruggieri, M.D., PhD

    Vito Giovanni Ruggieri, M.D., PhD

    Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Dept University Hospital in Rennes - France CHU Pontchaillou Rennes Rennes France 0033637902593 00393473206233 (alternative)

    Francesco Santini

    Francesco Santini

    Associate Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery Chief - Division of Cardiac Surgery University of Genova Italy

    Prof. Dr. med. Theodor Tirilomis

    Theodor TIRILOMIS

    Advisory board

    Bereichsleiter Kinderherzchirurgie  E-Mail:  Telefon: +49 551 39-66003 Sekretariat: Frau Buda +49 551 39-66004 Fax: +49 551 39-33029  Theodor Tirilomis absolvierte…

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