Nawwar Al Attar, FRCS, FETCS, PhD
Golden Jubilee National Hospital Agamemnon Street Glasgow G81 4HX United Kingdom tel.: 4401419515000 fax: 44141 951 5859 (fax)
Golden Jubilee National Hospital Agamemnon Street Glasgow G81 4HX United Kingdom tel.: 4401419515000 fax: 44141 951 5859 (fax)
Jean-Olivier Defraigne is an academic researcher from University of Liège.
Cardiothoracaal chirurg Jolanda Kluin - UMC Utrecht
Herzchirurgie, herzchirurgische Intensivmedizin und Thoraxchirurgie Leiter Klinisches Studienzentrum Schwerpunkte: Minimalinvasive Klappenchirurgie, Komplett arterielle Bypasschirurgie, Aortenchirurgie, Kombinationseingriffe, Rhythmuschirurgie Publikationen (PubMed) Telefon:…
Department of Cardiac Surgery Via Bonifacio 40 Santa Maria Di Camisano Vicenza 36043 Italy 39 44 475- 2767
Prof. dr. M. (Massimo) Mariani Head of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Faculty of Medical Sciences Telephone: +31 50 361 3238 Secretary: +31…
Associate Professor SBÜ Kartal Koşuyolu Yüksek İhtisas Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Istanbul, Turkey
Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Dept University Hospital in Rennes - France CHU Pontchaillou Rennes Rennes France 0033637902593 00393473206233 (alternative)
Associate Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery Chief - Division of Cardiac Surgery University of Genova Italy
Bereichsleiter Kinderherzchirurgie E-Mail: Telefon: +49 551 39-66003 Sekretariat: Frau Buda +49 551 39-66004 Fax: +49 551 39-33029 Theodor Tirilomis absolvierte…