Genoa, 29/05/2024 We are thrilled to announce the launch of the third edition of the…
The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 August;56(4)
- The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 August;56(4):503-11
Value and limitations of chimney grafts to treat arch lesions
Mangialardi N., Ronchey S., Malaj A., Fazzini S., Alberti V., Ardita V., Orrico M., Lachat M.

- The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 August;56(4):513-8
Is intra-aortic balloon pump absolutely contraindicated in type A aortic dissection?
Jaussaud N., Durand M., Boignard A., Porcu P., Hacini R., Blin D., Chavanon O.
- The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 August;56(4):519-24
Modified total arch replacement using a four-branched arch graft for acute type A aortic dissection with minimal brain and spinal cord ischemic time
Lu S., Sun X., Hong T., Yang S., Song K., Lai H., Wang C.
- The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 August;56(4):525-30
Acute type A aortic dissection repair with mild-to-moderate hypothermic circulatory arrest and selective cerebral perfusion
Numata S., Tsutsumi Y., Monta O., Yamazaki S., Seo H., Yoshida S., Samura T., Ohashi H.
- The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 August;56(4):531-46
Aortic arch repair today: open repair is best for most arch lesions
Coselli J. S., Green S. Y.
- The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 August;56(4):547-57
Endovascular treatment of extracranial carotid artery aneurysms
Van Den Berg J. C., Engelberger S.
- The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 August;56(4):559-65
Treatment of renal artery aneurysms
Peterson L. A., Corriere M. A.
- The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 August;56(4):567-77
Endovascular treatment of visceral artery aneurysms
Huang Y., Banga P., Reis De Souza L., Oderich G. S.
- The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 August;56(4):579-86
Endovascular management of isolated iliac artery aneurysms
Cooper D., Odedra B., Haslam L., Earnshaw J. J.
- The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 August;56(4):587-97
Endovascular treatment of popliteal aneurysm
de Donato G., Setacci F., Galzerano G., Borrelli M. P., Mascolo V., Mazzitelli G., Ruzzi U., Setacci C.
- The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 August;56(4):599-605
Endovascular treatment of true and false aneurysms in hemodialysis access
Hedin U., Engström J., Roy J.
- The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 August;56(4):607-15
A new ethical and medico-legal issue: vascular surgery and the postoperative cognitive dysfunction
Setacci C., Sirignano A., Ricci G., Spagnolo A. G., Pugliese F., Speziale F.
- The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 August;56(4):617-29
Effect of preoperative oral pravastatin reload in systemic inflammatory response and myocardial damage after coronary artery bypass grafting. A pilot double-blind placebo-controlled study
Castaño M., González-Santos J. M., López J., García B., Centeno J. E., Aparicio B., Bueno M. J., Díez R., Sagredo V., Rodríguez J. M., García-Criado F. J.
- The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 August;56(4):631-7
Increased expression of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in aorta of patients with coronary atherosclerosis
Gong Z., Xing S., Zheng F., Xing Q.
- The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 August;56(4):639-45
David operation: single center 10-year experience
Malvindi P. G., Cappai A., Basciu A., Raffa G. M., Barbone A., Citterio E., Ornaghi D., Tarelli G., Settepani F.
- The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 August;56(4):647-54
Predictors of long-term mortality in patients with cirrhosis undergoing cardiac surgery
Lopez-Delgado J. C., Esteve F., Javierre C., Torrado H., Carrio M. L., Rodríguez-Castro D., Farrero E., Lluís Ventura J., Manez R.
- The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 August;56(4):655-9
Coronary artery bypass graft surgery in patients with left ventricular dysfunction
Yüksel V., Canbaz S., Ege T.
- The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 August;56(4):661-9
Cardiac failure, transplantation and donation: current perspectives
Ashraf O., Sharif H.
- The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 August;56(4):671-80
Role of biomarkers in management of complications after cardiac surgery
Zhang B., Liang J., Zhang Z.
- The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 August;56(4):681-3
Antiplatelet therapy management in patients with coronary stent undergoing vascular surgery
Bozzani A., Ferlini M., Rossini R., Musumeci G., Arici V., Bramucci E., Setacci C.